Monday, January 21, 2008

Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 3)

The Torino Scale: I'm not really a scientist, but this makes a lot of sense to me. The Torino Scales is a way to guage the threat posed by an asteroid.

The more likely the probability of the asteriod hitting the earth is combined with the size (or kinetic energy) of the asteroid to create a scale of:

  • No Consequences
  • Local
  • Regional
  • Global

Given the current crop of losers running for the Republican nomination, I have applied the Torino Scale to the impact on Conservative Republicans by any of these candidates actually "winning" the nomination -

Ron Paul - No consequences (although his nomination would ruin the party, there is almost NO chance he can actually win)

John McCain - Local (he has a good chance of winning and would lose - but he would not be a dissaster for the party)

Mitt Romney - Regional (he also has a good chance of winning, but his loss in the general election would be big and costly for Republicans)

Huckleberry - Global (a low probability of winning the nomination, but his impact would be life-ending and catastrophic for the party)

Thompson - No Consequences (he would help a lot, but has zero chance of winning)

Finally, today was a strange day - Rush Limbaugh (in his 3rd hour) basically said that there was NO conservative candidate and that he might not be able to vote for a Republican. Oh man! At least Rush is honest.

The sleazey and cynical Michael "Open-Borders" Medved and Hugh "Anything for Mitt" Hewitt were both busy lying about how great all the candidates are for conservative Republicans. Medved really thinks that McCain and the rest are just "terrific"!! Hewitt would vote for anything that had an "R" after its name.

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