Monday, January 21, 2008

Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 2)

After the Nevada and South Carolina results it is clear that John McCain is the front runner.

I didn't know it was possible, but Michael Medved managed to make an even bigger ass out of himself with this turgid piece of gloatting:

(quote) The big loser in South Carolina was, in fact, talk radio: a medium that has unmistakably collapsed in terms of impact, influence and credibility because of its hysterical and one-dimensional involvement in the GOP nomination fight. (end quote)

Thank you, Michael, for reminding everyone what a smug, smart ass, sore loser you are. Medved cannot forget or forgive those on the conservative side who opposed the Bush/Kennedy/McCain "shamnesty" (a term coined by the lovely Michelle Malkin!) proposal on immigration.

Hugh Hewitt (another open-borders nutcase) is probably going to focus on his beloved Mitt and the crucial Nevada caucas results (and will probably not even mention South Carolina). First question for Romney on the next radio "interview": "Mitt, you need to honestly tell me how anything can stand in the way of your nomination after the crushing victory in Nevada!"

The real division in the conservative movement has always been between the Country Club Republicans who have no connection to the average American (Hewitt, Medved) and the Main Street Republicans (Laura Ingraham).

Now that the chips are down and conservatives are on the verge of losing political power you can see how divided we on the conservative side really are.

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