Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 8)

Bill Buckley - RIP

What a day of reckoning this is for conservatives.

Bill Buckley founded National Review and hosted "Firing Line" on PBS for many years.

Buckley was irreplaceable and will be missed by many people across the political landscape.

Sadly, the Buckley's death further highlights the crisis of conservativism in today's world. The USA is close to handing power to a left/lib Marxist Obama. Rush Limbaugh, though still a great force in talk radio, has been marginalized by the MSM. And idiots and goofball weirdoes such as Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt continue to give the cause of conservativism a bad name.

Even with all this I want to step back today and thank Bill Buckley for all he did and meant. His life was important and meaningful in a way that few ever achieve in life. And in death WFB will be remembered and missed by all true conservatives.

You were a great great man, Mr. Buckley!

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