Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 10)
The nation is less free, less secure, and less great.
Nothing more need be said.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 9)
Russert made Meet the Press an essential Sunday talkshow. Russert was responsible, reasonable, and respectful. He was also very likeable and came across as a regular guy who was (by every report) a devoted husband and father to his family. Let's be clear, Russert was a liberal who could drive conservatives up the wall at times. But we never stopped watching MTP and most conservatives could find muct to admire about Russert.
NBC News has a big problem trying to find a replacement for Russert. There are few reporters who have the skills and talent to host MTP. NBC has three options:
- NBC could hedge their bets and rotate various hosts into the slot.
- MTP could go back to the original format of the program when they had a panel of three reporters who would take turns questioning the guest.
- NBC might bring back someone from retirement like Tom Brokaw to add credibility to the program.
A bigger problem for NBC News is the impact of Russert's death on their image. The biggest name now associated with the news division is Keith Olbermann. Unfortunately, Olbermann is everything that Russert was not: crude, rude, disrespectful, etc. Olbermann is a hack and would completely tarnish NBC's reputation. With Russert's death the way is now clear for Olbermann to begin to exert more control over the news division at NBC. What a disaster!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 8)
What a day of reckoning this is for conservatives.
Bill Buckley founded National Review and hosted "Firing Line" on PBS for many years.
Buckley was irreplaceable and will be missed by many people across the political landscape.
Sadly, the Buckley's death further highlights the crisis of conservativism in today's world. The USA is close to handing power to a left/lib Marxist Obama. Rush Limbaugh, though still a great force in talk radio, has been marginalized by the MSM. And idiots and goofball weirdoes such as Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt continue to give the cause of conservativism a bad name.
Even with all this I want to step back today and thank Bill Buckley for all he did and meant. His life was important and meaningful in a way that few ever achieve in life. And in death WFB will be remembered and missed by all true conservatives.
You were a great great man, Mr. Buckley!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 7)
the Current Crisis -
As of 2/24/2007 it looks like McCain and Obama are going to be representing the Republican and Democrat parties in November.
McCain had the good fortune to be the target of a sleazy attack from the New York Times.
Even for the New York Times, this was a poor job of "journalism" - and an even worse piece of propaganda since no one believes
the NYT's "reporting."
McCain as clearly won this fight with the liberal media. However, the battle may already be lost due to the fact that McCain's financing is in deep trouble and he may end up not having the resources to compete between now and the convention.
George Bush and morons in the "conservative media" (Hewitt and Medved) have created an
opportunity for Obama to win in November. Obama is a radical socialist who comes from
the far left school of Saul D. Alinsky.
Will the United States really throw it's future into the gabage by electing Obama? Why
not just make Fidel Castro our new Prez? Or Hugo Chavez? Honestly, is there any difference?
Good Reading:
The Death Of Free Speech: How Our Broken National Dialogue Has Killed The Truth And Divided America (Hardcover) - available at Amazon. By John Ziegler
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (Hardcover) by Jonah Goldberg (Author)
Yawn. Boring. No effect.
Many on the conservative side are beginning to follow the lead of The Conservative Crisis blog by discussing the reasons for the continuing conersvative crisis:
PajamasMedia offers this straight forward political analysis that demonstrates the problems
for us conservatives -
Conservative Crisis: Is the GOP Lurching Left?
RenewAmerida.us has this long-winded and pointless article which shows complete denial
of the crisis -
Is conservatism in crisis?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 6)
John Ziegler is back on the air on KGIL! Ziegler is an honest and intelligent voice with a conservative/libertarian viewpoint. People in Los Angeles are still shocked that Ziegler was forced out of his evening timeslot by two of the most sleazey and deceitful frauds in radio: John and Ken.
You can read the entire story at THE REAL KFI:
On this website you read and hear compelling and exclusive evidence that:
- The John & Ken Show is fundamentally fraudulent and makes professional wrestling seem credible in comparison
John Kobylt is the main reason that John Ziegler is no longer at KFI
John Kobylt made one of the most racist statements ever made by a person in his position and, in the opinion of John Ziegler, is a racist.
Ken Chiampou is presumed to be a homosexual by nearly everyone at KFI and why that should matter to KFI listeners.
There is a lot that John & Ken don't want you to know about how they do their show and determine what they are going to say
Bill Handel is a fair-weathered “friend” who hates John & Ken but who committed one of the most massive acts of hypocrisy imaginable after strangely going out of his way to defend John Kobylt
KFI management is utterly incompetent and corrupt
John Ziegler is hardly perfect and not talented enough to be a success doing KFI's brand of deceptive talk.
At the end of John Ziegler's tenure at KFI things got so absurd that they were absolutely comical
Ziegler's replacement is, according to industry observers who have worked with him, a boring, lazy, porn obsessed, phony who is "one of the worst people I have ever encountered in radio."
Written by John Ziegler
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 5)
(quote) On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, "I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it forever, be the end of it!"
This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.
Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.
And this needs saying, because if you don't know what broke the elephant you can't put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can't trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure. (end quote)
See my first post on the Conservative Crisis: Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 1) where I list George Bush as the FIRST big problem.
Thanks Peg!
And thank you Rush Limbaugh for being one of the few honest talk radio hosts on the conservative side who can honestly face the truth. Too bad that Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt continue to lie about what is really happening in the Republican party. At this point MM and HH have lost all credibility and simply cannot be trusted anymore.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 4)
On the other hand, when it comes to fraud and deceit no one can beat the Soro's backed left front groups who produced a bogus "study" and "database" to push their own twisted propaganda: Study: False statements preceded war (AP) simply repeats the nonsense that "Bush Lied and People Died".
Monday, January 21, 2008
Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 3)
The Torino Scale: I'm not really a scientist, but this makes a lot of sense to me. The Torino Scales is a way to guage the threat posed by an asteroid.
The more likely the probability of the asteriod hitting the earth is combined with the size (or kinetic energy) of the asteroid to create a scale of:
- No Consequences
- Local
- Regional
- Global
Given the current crop of losers running for the Republican nomination, I have applied the Torino Scale to the impact on Conservative Republicans by any of these candidates actually "winning" the nomination -
Ron Paul - No consequences (although his nomination would ruin the party, there is almost NO chance he can actually win)
John McCain - Local (he has a good chance of winning and would lose - but he would not be a dissaster for the party)
Mitt Romney - Regional (he also has a good chance of winning, but his loss in the general election would be big and costly for Republicans)
Huckleberry - Global (a low probability of winning the nomination, but his impact would be life-ending and catastrophic for the party)
Thompson - No Consequences (he would help a lot, but has zero chance of winning)
Finally, today was a strange day - Rush Limbaugh (in his 3rd hour) basically said that there was NO conservative candidate and that he might not be able to vote for a Republican. Oh man! At least Rush is honest.
The sleazey and cynical Michael "Open-Borders" Medved and Hugh "Anything for Mitt" Hewitt were both busy lying about how great all the candidates are for conservative Republicans. Medved really thinks that McCain and the rest are just "terrific"!! Hewitt would vote for anything that had an "R" after its name.
Some Thoughts on the Continuing Conservative Crisis (part 2)
I didn't know it was possible, but Michael Medved managed to make an even bigger ass out of himself with this turgid piece of gloatting:
(quote) The big loser in South Carolina was, in fact, talk radio: a medium that has unmistakably collapsed in terms of impact, influence and credibility because of its hysterical and one-dimensional involvement in the GOP nomination fight. (end quote)
Thank you, Michael, for reminding everyone what a smug, smart ass, sore loser you are. Medved cannot forget or forgive those on the conservative side who opposed the Bush/Kennedy/McCain "shamnesty" (a term coined by the lovely Michelle Malkin!) proposal on immigration.
Hugh Hewitt (another open-borders nutcase) is probably going to focus on his beloved Mitt and the crucial Nevada caucas results (and will probably not even mention South Carolina). First question for Romney on the next radio "interview": "Mitt, you need to honestly tell me how anything can stand in the way of your nomination after the crushing victory in Nevada!"
The real division in the conservative movement has always been between the Country Club Republicans who have no connection to the average American (Hewitt, Medved) and the Main Street Republicans (Laura Ingraham).
Now that the chips are down and conservatives are on the verge of losing political power you can see how divided we on the conservative side really are.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Some thoughts on the current conservative crisis (part 1)
George Bush - By attacking the conservative base on "immigration reform" (amnesty), mishandling the Iraq war for far too long (until he put Patreaus in charge), and simply being the most inarticulate president in modern history, George Bush is the main reason that the conservative movement will suffer a huge setback in the upcoming general election.
Hugh Hewitt - It's becoming hard to listen to Hugh and his complete sellout for Mitt Romney.
Hugh's "interviews" with Mitt remind me of "The Simpons" episode (Season 2: Episode #17) where "Lisa" is forced to ask "Mr. Burns":
"Your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?" Replace "Lisa" with Hugh and "Mr. Burns" with Romney and you get the idea (Larry King would be embarrassed by Hugh's softballs tossed to Mitt!)
Michael Medved - Once again we have a "conservative" talkradio host who is a complete sellout. Medved will simply not concede how lackluster and shallow this current crop of Republican candidates is for real conservatives. But Medved's pro- "open borders" amnesty position is a complete slap in the face to the conservative base. Medved gave away his true feelings in a January 16th interview with author Robert Timberg when he defended McCain's support of "immigration reform" by saying,
"The truth is that you are not going to get 12 million AMERICANS to go back home..."
This was NOT a slip - Medved actually considers all the illegals who reside in the USA to be "AMERICANS" - with as much right to be here as native born citizens.
Laura Ingraham- I love and admire Laura for her courage and true conservative
principles. She was right on so many issues - most importantly her dissent from supporting the disastrous Harriet Myers nomination to the Supreme Court. However (insert a "butt-monkey" here), she is becoming a national scold trying to nanny us to death for not being moral
enough or "Christian" enough for her own taste. Memo to Laura - there are plenty of secular conservatives who are part of the conservative coalition who like "South Park" and who do not want to be lectured by you. And in terms of winning elections, the scolding nanny image is unattractive.
The Current Crop of Losers in the Republican Primary: Outside of Fred Thompson,
there is not a true conservative in the bunch. While I admire McCain's service in
Vietnam and Giuliani's record as Mayor of New York here is the breakdown:
Giuliani - not conservative (but likeable)
McCain - not conservative (but checkout his babe-0-licious daugher Mehgan!)
Thomson - a conservative (too little, too late)
Romney - not conservative (forget the National Review's endorsement and
look at the guy's record)
Huckleberry - I don't think he even knows (don't make me laugh)
(I'm not going to mention the last guy because I don't want to tick off his thuggish
cult-like goon squad)
A note on talkradio in Los Angeles - John Ziegler was a conservative/libertarian
host who lost his job at KFI (am640). John wrote about his experience
at THEREALFKI.COM (check it out!)
Ziegler was a voice of reason in LA and will be missed.
Finally, I'm picking up a copy of Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Facism.
Think of Jonah as a less shrill and more reasonable and persuasive Ann Coulter.